Myths and Barriers

Below are some of the beliefs and challenges that have discouraged African Americans from practicing meditation.


Although meditation can help us to uplift our lives, many of us do not meditate. Sometimes this is because we believe myths such as the ones below:

  • Meditation is a religion
  • Meditation is a form of mind control
  • Meditation is a form of escapism
  • Meditation is only practiced sitting cross-legged

Such widely held false beliefs can deter us from learning more about meditation and how to practice it.

Meditation Myths


In addition to myths, we also encounter barriers that impede our efforts to learn how to meditate, such as: 

  • Meditation communities that are not welcoming
  • Meditation programs that are not affordable
  • Meditation centers that are too far away
  • Meditation programs that conflict with schedules and family obligations

Everyone is Welcome

Although our emphasis is on the promotion of meditation among African Americans, everyone is welcome to visit and use this site. You are welcome here regardless of your background or any organization, group, or tradition you may be involved with. Everyone has valuable insights and experiences to contribute. If you want to receive updates about this website, or just get in contact, click Sign Up Today, and submit the form.

If you have encountered any of these myths and barriers, you’ll find information on this website that will help you move beyond them. This will help you to experience the benefits of meditation, uplift your mind and body, and become a greater help to yourself, your family and your community.

Free Your Mind Guide